Coffee spills and frowning girls

Here I sit, to tell a story.  I have my coffee to my right, my laptop in hand and children quietly playing with each other so I can focus.  Today was not this peaceful even just 20 minutes ago…  The story I am about to tell, I have only revealed such a side of myself to my immediate family living in my own home (for they are the prey) and to a couple of other women who have expressed when they were young moms they fought this battle, too.

This morning is an overcast day so far, summer is fast approaching, but here in southern California it can be 75 degrees and still cloudy because of the marine layer from the ocean.  The clouds burn off into a crystal clear day usually between 10 am and noon.  So my morning starts out dark, but the house is not quiet to match the foreboding but empty-threatening sky.  Nathanael wakes up squawking as  usual, even after taking him out of his crib, he insists on baba-ing and dada-ing and blahblah-ing all the way down the hallway into the living room.  My husband works nights so he drags himself into bed at the miserable hour of 4 AM, so by 8 AM I do the best I can to keep the house silent.  You try doing that with an 8 month old and a 4 year old!  Hah!

I hush him and shush him but to no avail, I change his diaper with his cawing narrative adding to the process.  Okay, okay, I am also doing my best not to be totally annoyed.  I haven’t even turned on the coffee pot, and Nathan is not making a cooing happy sound, but a whiney cawing sound that seems to say “Ma, you’re not doing it right!”  I am truly holding in frustration at this point.  The morning progresses, I get my coffee, Lauren gets out of bed in a cheery mood.  I am able to get dressed without crying, whining or a long stream of questions such as,

“Do our bones hold our body together?”

“Did you know my favorite shape is a rectangular prism?”

“Do you want to play butterflies and ladybugs?”

 (These questions follow just after I am dressed.  Of course this came from Lauren, the old soul that she is.)

I get to my coffee, I crack open since I know my bible will be snatched up by baby hands with sticky fingers at any moment…  And it happens.

I lose it.  I go nuts.  I throw a tantrum fit for a two year old, not a mother-of-two!

Lauren prances in with her pillow-pets and exclaims it is time to play butterflies and ladybugs as previously requested.  (Pillow pets are these stuffed animals that lay flat like pillows, (pointless? oh no. It’s an ingenious million dollar invention because she has three of them.)  She lays them on the end table next to the couch so she can open the baby gate that blocks our living room from the rest of our apartment.

She sets them on the end table.

No big deal right?…Except that my coffee is there.  And she is pushing them toward the middle so they won’t fall off the edge.  Pushing them toward my coffee cup.  Coffee is extremely hot, it stains everything it touches.  It is hot.  It is messy.  She is going to spill the coffee!  So to prevent her from spilling it I say, “NOT ON THE TABLE.  YOU’LL SPILL THE COFFEE!”

In a knee-jerk reaction (or just a plain old jerk reaction) I smack the pillow pets off the table and onto the floor.

Along with the coffee cup.  Full of coffee.  Hot coffee.  Staining coffee.

Before I can say anything else, I spurt out some obscenities and go flying to grab a towel.  I grab the first towel I can and run back to the couch whose arm is saturated by now.  I am about to start drying, dabbing and wiping when I notice I grabbed Lauren’s delicate and very special bathroom towel with princesses on them.  So I fling it to the side and run to get another less important towel.  As I come back, Lauren is staring at her beautiful towel lying neglected and abused on the living room floor.  I am furiously scrubbing the couch arm with the towel muttering at myself for my stupidity when she interjects:

                 “I was going to use that princess towel.. NOW it is covered in coffee.” (crossing her arms in sadness)

Having no compassion on my four year old, since I am still in a spitting-mad rage, I toss a pillow pet in her direction and continue on my ravenous slaughter of the coffee spill.  I glance over as I hear her sputtering in the corner.

As I should be able to empathize, she has become very sensitive to my angry outbursts, creating great emotion.

A moment of clarity washes over me and I pull her over to me, hug her, apologize by saying, “I am sorry, the  coffee was my fault.  It is not your fault.  I shouldn’t have thrown your pillow pet.  I shouldn’t have been mad and tossed them in the first place.  I should not be saying bad words or mean things.  It’s not your fault.  You are a good girl.  I love you.  I am sorry.”

James 1:19-21- Why, my beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:  For the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God.  Why lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.”

Ephesians 4:29-32No foul language is to come from your mouthbut only what is good for building up someone in needso that it gives grace to those who hearAnd don’t grieve God’s Holy Spirit. You were sealed by Him for the day of redemption.  All bitternessanger and wrathshouting and slander must be removed from youalong with all malice.  And be kind and compassionate to one anotherforgiving one anotherjust as God also forgave you in Christ.”

These are small steps toward recovery.  Recovery is not a melodramatic term for what I am going through.  At all.  It is a recovery process, like drug addiction or alcoholism, or even an eating-disorder because it is a habit that has consumed me and has caused me to try to live a double-life.  It is a dark secret that I am exposing to the light, the one I find in God’s solace through His spirit and through talking to others to LET IT OUT.

Happy mom, Joyful mom

“In a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this is the greatest power in the universe.”
― N.K. Jemisin, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

Daddy brings the sun up in the morning, but Mama keeps the sun at bay, and sets it allowing twilight to descend.  Whether the day be cloudy or sunny is up to a mother.  She sets the tone and the mood of the household.  If Mama ain’t happy……. That’s right, you know the phrase: Ain’t no body happy.  Now, of course, happiness is a fleeting, temporary feeling.  You find happiness when you sip your coffee in the morning.  You find happiness when there is no traffic on the way to work.

But what is it that makes happiness last?  That is joy.  Joy is a deep-seeded carnal emotion built into our human brains!  It’s something we are all affected by and something we all strive to be apart of: JOY.

When a mother is joyous, joyful, exuding joy, she takes in the room and captivates people in wonderlust, in day dreams, in a beautiful cadence of her walk and a gorgeous flow of the words that she speaks.

Where does joy come from?  If we can agree that it is built in, whether we choose to live it out daily or choose to spend our lives chasing it, joy must originate from somewhere right?

Joy comes from the Lord.  Only He provides and takes away all that we have to survive, to live, to thrive and to die.

Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

John 15:11 “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.”

The Lord our God designed us to have a fullness of joy for our entire lives, He does not want us to fall into the traps of the world: depression, anger, or even external things like dramas between friends or family.  If we can take in all that our Heavenly Father has for us, then joy will be unlocked from the false sense of security we think we’ve guarded it with by the things in our lives that will surely pass away.

As a mother, being full of joy is the least we can do for our families.  Unleash that unconditional love with uncontrollable joyousness, then Mama can bring a whole family through life with a fullness in their heart.